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Voice Recognition

Lucas Local

School District

Pursuing Excellence:
Every Child, Every Day

Facilities Information and Planning

Facilities Information and Planning

August, 2021

On Tuesday, August 31, a Community Informational Meeting was held at the Lucas Community Center.  The topic of the meeting was the Past, Present, and Future of a new school facility.  A panel of professionals shared information to help answer some basic questions related to a new school project.  The presentation that was shared can be found at the link below.  Future opportunities for the community to learn more information and provide additional feedback will be coming soon.
Connect: Lucas Local Community Meeting - 8-31-21.pdf

October, 2020
Garmann / Miller will be presenting to the Board at the November 3rd meeting.  They will be presenting the options available after a recent meeting with the OFCC and what the future plans may be for the District.  Please join in via Zoom on November 3, 2020 at 6:00 PM.  

November, 2019
During the Board meeting of November 5th, the Board reviewed the list of residents who have expressed an interesting in participating on the Master Planning Committee.  Garmann/Miller also presented a draft agenda for the first organizational meeting of this committee.  The Board will set the first meeting date of this committee at their December 3rd meeting, but this first meeting will occur during the month of January, 2020.  The members of the committee are:  Nate Arnold, Shelley & Robert Caltrider, Audrey Cook, Jessica Gribben, Mike Jenkins, Kevin Lehnhart, Heath Maglott, Tim Palm, and Tim Stallard.

August, 2019
During the Board meeting of August 6th, the Board discussed gathering residents to form a group to obtain ideas from the community on how to proceed on the future needs regarding facilities of the District.  If you would like to be added to the list and are a taxpayer (property owner) in the district, please send an email to the Treasurer, Larry Lifer as he will gather the names and information and take to the September Board meeting.  In your email please indicate your name, address, phone number, and email address and whether you are a property owner, home owner, retiree?, parent?  child(ren) in school?, member of a community group (group name), owner of a business? (business name), etc.  The Board will review the interest and then be in contact on how we will proceed.

July, 2019
During the Board meeting of July 2nd, Garman/Miller presented an update on the summer projects.  Work is progressing on the projects.  Regarding the middle school gym floor, some of the moisture on the wall could be coming from the outside in and not up from the floor.  Also we have noticed some moisture on the east side coming into Mr. Marsano’s room.  The “weeps” on the east wall appear to be caulked closed so there isn’t any where for the water to drain.

Some options for the gym floor:  1) investigate behind the veneer and check the flashing; 2) check for the weeps below ground level to see if they are draining; 3) some of the moisture could also be condensation from the heat of the south side warming up the gym, and since the north side is below ground, that wall will be cooler and moisture could be forming from the humidity in the gym; 4) possible roof leaks.

Regarding the middle school roof, Garmann/Miller is having the manufacturer’s representative come and walk the roof with them to investigate whether repairs or replacement is warranted.  There should still be life left in that roof with it only being 30 years old.

Wayne Colman and Eric Baltzell presented some information regarding options for the Board to consider.  To view their presentation slides (12mb file), CLICK HERE.  They reviewed the assessment from months ago and displayed some of the issues that were found during that assessment.  In presenting the options, they used the same standards as the OFCC (Ohio Facilities Construction Commission, previously known as the Ohio Schools Facilities Commission) would use in determining if the cost to renovate and bring up to “standards” exceeds two-thirds of the cost to replace, the OFCC would only permit replacement if their funds are used.

If the district were to pursue a joint project with the OFCC, the district would be required to build a single K-12 facility at an approximate cost of $23.7 million based on 2018 costs.  From their assessment, the cost to renovate the existing buildings would be $18.4 million.  Based upon their investigation, Lucas is presently at a two-thirds/one-third split of funding with the OFCC, meaning Lucas would need to come up with two-thirds of the cost.  The costs DO NOT include the expense of preparing a building site.

Although some districts are eligible for segmentation, which means that a part of a district’s projects could be completed with the remaining portion completed at a later date, Lucas is not eligible for this due to our smaller size.  So if the District were to partner with OFCC for a project, they would only fund a complete K-12 project.

If the District were to pursue just an 8-12 building, replace the current high school, the estimated costs would be $11.2 million versus the cost to renovate at approximately $9.2 million.  Keep in mind that these values are based upon 2018 costs.  The District could expect to see approximately 4.5% increase each year due to annual inflation in the construction industry.  The cost for demolishing the existing 8-12 building could be estimated at $4.50 per square foot or roughly $250,000.  Combined with the cost to prepare the site for a new 8-12 building, the total to develop the site for a new 8-12 building and demolish the old would be approximately $500,000 with all of this coming from local funds.

Another option could be to attach a new 8-12 building to the existing middle school.  The cost of this option would be the same as a stand-alone 8-12 building.  The life expectancy of new buildings is approximately 80 years.

Garmann/Miller expressed their willingness to estimate any options the Board may develop, just let them know.  They are not making any recommendations but only providing information to assist the Board with their discussions about options.

April, 2019
During the Board meeting of March 5th, the Board voted to release for bidding the projects for the summer months of 2019. The notice to Bidders can be found here:


March 5, 2019
During the Board meeting of March 5th, the Board voted to release for bidding the projects for the summer months of 2019. Those projects will be:  Masonry repair at the high school, asphalt repair and chip/seal district-wide, replacement of the visitors bleachers at Bob Wine field, and investigate the water infiltration of the gym floor in the middle school.  Once the bids have been received, the Board will review and should select the contractors to perform these projects during the May board meeting scheduled for May 7, 2019.

Mr. Colman of Garmann/Miller provided a brief update on the Master Planning process.  Discussions and options continue t be exchanged with the OFCC in Columbus.  It is estimated that any results from this process won't be available to the district until the end of May at the earliest.

February 5, 2019
During the Board meeting of February 5th, the Board received an update from Mr. Colman of Garmann/Miller:  The summer projects were discussed as well as a status on the Master Planning process.  For the summer projects, they will focus on repairing the masonry on the Southeast corner of the High School as well as other areas that may require tuck pointing and caulking.  Also during the summer, they recommend working on some asphalt repairs, paving, and sealcoating district-wide.  Another summer project will be in the Middle School gymnasium to determine where the infiltration of water is occurring and how to repair.  The last summer project that was discussed is the replacement of the visitor bleachers at Bob Wine Field football stadium.  Estimates for these summer projects should be available at the March Board meeting and if the Board is in agreement, we should then have the bids available for award at the May meeting.

The update on the Master Planning was that process is ongoing and there have been discussions with the OFCC in Columbus and data has been exchanged.  This process is quite lengthy and takes a considerable amount of time.  So it isn't unusual that there isn't a lot to report at this time.  In light of the amount of time this process takes, Garmann/Miller is being very cautious on where suggested projects occur as to not waste the District's funds.

January 9, 2019
The Board would like to thank everyone who attended the board meeting on January 8, 2019.  The input received was very valuable and appreciated!  Please feel free to reach out to any board member and express your thoughts as we work through the process of making long-term decisions for the students of our schools.  We can't do this alone and welcome your comments and ideas!   Contact information for the board can be found HERE!

During the Board meeting held on this date, the Board heard a presentation from Garmann/Miller that explained the process they followed while performing an assessment of the facilities of the District.  Garmann/Miller also distributed to the Board the results of that assessment.  Click on the links below to view the presentation and the facilities assessment information.

Power-Point Presentation
High School Report
Summary Report


 Last Updated November 13 2019 lwl
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