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84 Lucas North Road Lucas, OH 44843
Phone: 419-892-2338
Fax: 419-892-1138
Voice Recognition

Lucas Local

School District

Pursuing Excellence:
Every Child, Every Day

Board of Education

Welcome to the Board of Education Page

The Lucas Local Board of Education encourages all stakeholders of the school district to attend its meetings. The meetings are business meetings, as opposed to a public forum. This is the time for the Board to conduct its business.

All visitors who have concerns, and have not asked in advance to be placed on the agenda, may bring their concerns and/or questions to the Board of Education at this point of the meeting. This is the only time during the meeting that the Board will entertain open discussion and/or comments regarding issues or agenda items. Visitors are asked to please limit comments to a maximum of three minutes for a total of fifteen minutes for all public comments. Please stand, state your name and what organization you represent. The Board is not required to answer or respond to anyone who addresses the Board at a Board Meeting. An answer or response may be made at another time after the Board has an opportunity to research the matter.

Board Actions
The Board of Education acts upon items on the agenda or addenda it may choose to add.

Board Meetings
The Board of Education regularly meets on the third Tuesday of each month. The location of the Board meeting and any change of the regular meeting date will be announced before adjournment at each meeting. All Board meetings are public and news media representatives are notified of each meeting. The following dates are the current Board of Education 2024 meeting schedule:2024 Meeting Schedule

For the most up to date information about Lucas Board of Education meetings use the Lucas online calendar.  Lucas Web Calendar

Board Members

Mr. Timothy Cooper, President
Term: 2022-2025 - (Jan. 2002)

Mr. Roger Maglott, Member
419-892-2818 or 419-571-1989
Term: 2024-2027 - (Jan. 2008)

Mr. Rick Foss, Member


Term: 2024-2027- (Jan. 2024)

Ms. Amy Cuthbertson , Member
Term: 2022-2025 - (Jan. 2022)

 Mr. Eric Steward, Member
Term: 2022-2025 - (July. 2024)
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