Combined Requirements
The Continuous Notice of Non-Discrimination
OCR recognizes the variations among the regulations governing notice requirements and understands that schools and colleges may wish to use one statement to comply with all requirements of the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, and the Age Discrimination Act. Public institutions also may wish to include Title II of the ADA in their statement. OCR encourages one combined notice for the regulations.
A combined non-discrimination notice should contain two basic elements: (1) a statement of non- discrimination that specifies the basis for non-discrimination; and (2) identification by name or title, email address, and telephone number of the employee or employees responsible for coordinating the compliance efforts.
The regulations do not require that a recipient identify the pertinent regulations by title.
The following sample notice of non-discrimination meets the minimum requirements of the regulations enforced by OCR:
The Lucas Local School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Dr. James Metcalf,
High School Principal
(419) 892-2338 ext. 21305
Ms. Ann Pfister,
(419) 892-2338 ext. 21237
For further information on the notice of non-discrimination, visit:
Additional “suggested” information to add to the continuous nondiscrimination notice:
This notice is can be reviewed outside of the High School Office or on-line at